Mission Statement
The mission of Cragmont Assembly, Inc. is to operate, maintain and expand a conference center and place of retreat for all Original Free Will Baptists and seekers after Christ, who will come to Cragmont to experience INSPIRATION, receive INSTRUCTION, and participate in RECREATION directed toward spiritual growth.
Our History
Cragmont Assembly came into being in 1945 when this 113 acre site was purchased by what were then the four “Conventions” of “Original Free Will Baptists” (the North Carolina State Convention of Churches, Free Will Baptist League Convention, The State Women’s Auxiliary Convention, and the State Sunday School Convention). Since that time Cragmont has expanded to include almost 125 acres and has grown from a few weeks of summer camping into a year round summer camp, conference and retreat center, and family getaway. Annually serving over 2,000 campers, families, and church groups; all who ascend the mountain testify to a special presence of the Holy Spirit that touches each individual heart. This has truly become a special place.
Summer Camp
Cragmont offers seven youth summer camp weeks beginning in mid-June and continuing through the end of July each year. These summer camp weeks are staffed and directed by volunteers and offer Christian camp experience for those ages 9-18 (or grades 3-12). Each week is unique and different, yet all are filled with instruction, recreation, worship, music and just plain fun.
Conferences and Retreats
Cragmont serves as host to several annual conferences for Original Free Will Baptists including the OFWB Ministerial Association, State Women’s Auxiliary, and Christian Education Ministries. There are also several other planned retreats and events throughout the year. All retreats, events, and conferences are a wonderful time of fellowship and relaxation as well as a great time of spiritual nourishment.
Weekday and Weekend Retreats
We are available in the fall, winter and spring on a reservation basis to any individual, family, group or church. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis.
To Schedule A Group or Church Retreat
Call: 828.669.7677
E-mail: office@cragmontassembly.org
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